About the Author

We cannot always determine our situation or our lot in life, but we can determine our response to these circumstances. That is what makes a man free; not his conditions, but his actions.
— Tanner Cook

Tanner was born and raised on the frozen plains of the upper midwest. In his late teens, he committed himself to the Marine Corps infantry, enlisting on his 17th birthday. Tanner graduated high school early in order to expedite his departure into the Corps and turned 18 at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, California - on infamous Black Friday.

After graduating boot camp within the Company Honor Platoon as well as a meritorious promotion to Private First Class for outstanding performance, he made his way to the School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton, California; leaving the school with another meritorious promotion to the rank of Lance Corporal. It was then that Tanner arrived at his new home for the next 4 years: Camp Horno. Assigned to Charlie Company, 1st Battalion/1st Marines, he would serve as a rifleman team leader and be deployed to Afghanistan, Jordan, and also boarded the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit, where he would travel across the Pacific and Indian oceans, visiting numerous ports along the way, to include spending two months in the horn of Africa. Tanner exited the Marine Corps with an honorable discharge at the rank of Corporal in June of 2013.

Tanner Cook Marine Corps
Tanner Cook Marine Corps
Tanner Cook in Afghanistan
Tanner Cook Marine Corps

Returning to the midwest, he began his professional career in the private security industry, working various jobs in contract security, loss prevention, and bounty hunting. He also honed his skills by attending formal training in high threat executive protection and emergency medicine. Currently, Tanner is employed as a security advisor.

After the Marine Corps, Tanner also began engaging in intellectual pursuits; exploring philosophy, politics, and scouring books and every corner of the internet for ultimate truth and meaning. Determined to find a sense of purpose and to serve something greater than himself - and kindled by a flame of rebellious sentiment - he flipped the foundations of his world upside down, if only to rebuild them years later. Starting with a conversion to atheism, anarchism, and veganism, it ended with a rediscovery of the religious worldview, a rekindling of American patriotism, and an abandonment of vegan morals as well as a skepticism for the plant-based agenda as a whole. His morals and politics remained fluid throughout this process of discovery. The transition between these contradictory perspectives can be observed in Tanner’s writings.

Today, Tanner continues to write and explore new ideas, but has rested firmly in his beliefs as an Orthodox Christian, monarchist, and traditionalist. Tanner is also the founder of the revived Sons of Liberty: American Tribe, where he aims to gather likeminded men to the cause of resistance to this absurd, degenerate, and tyrannical regime.

Outside of his work and writing, Tanner fills his time with other hobbies such as backpacking, camping, and fitness.

Tanner Cook camping
Tanner Cook hiking
Tanner Cook hiking

 More About the Author:

  • I write as a productive means to pursue my values. I have strong beliefs and convictions and do not think men should sit idly by as the world burns. Men have a daily duty to speak truth, seek justice, and defend order.

  • Monarchist - Traditionalist - America first - Supremacy of Western culture

  • I’m not a registered voter nor have any political affiliations. I do not believe in the efficacy of democracy.

  • I recently published my latest book, 'The Way of Free Men.' Currently, I'm working on a new book, 'Faith, Blood, and Soil." This book will express thoughts concerning nationalism, the genocide of the European race, and monarchism and fascism. I expect to publish in 2025.